2019 Buzzard Roost

Saturday May 4, 2019

Raymond Russell Park

Sitting around doing what we do

Sitting around doing what we do

20644 IH-10 West
San Antonio, TX 78257

1:00 pm – 4:00pm  (or so)

We’ll have sausage wraps. Bring any snack or side dishes you’re inclined to – plus a lawn chair and beverages. Just look for buzzards.

If you want to come our earlier the early buzzards will be there ~9:00am to claim a spot.

Come on out and roost for a while.





2015 Campout Scrapbook

We had a great campout this year. Fantastic turnout, and the weather was absolutely perfect.

Museum packed for Travel

Museum packed for Travel

We loaded up the Museum of Modern Convenieces – and headed to Krauses.

Usual activities

Usual activities

There were the usual activities of sitting around and drinking beer.

Camp Crafts

Camp Crafts

But we also had camp crafts.

But to get the full campout experience – here’s Four days at Krauses in Four Minutes – music by The Two Gentlemen Band.

On Saturday night we immolated the Museum of Modern Conveniences in honor of our good friend and compadre Ken Walton.

The Museum

The Museum

Into The Fire

Into The Fire

Art and Glen did the honors – and managed not to join the museum in the flames

ken_b_4It went up quick –

ken_b_5ken_b_6Adios Ken.

Thanks to everyone who made it out this year to make this a great campout.

See you next year  (mark your calendars – April 28-May1, 2016)


2015 Howdy Neighbors Memorial Campout – April 30, May 3

Picking in the Museum of Modern Conveniences

Picking in the Museum of Modern Conveniences

Come on our to Krauses Springs this year April 30-May3 for the 2015 Howdy Neighbors Memorial Campout.

I’m sure you’re all heard the sad news that Kendall Walton has left us – so in honor of all our absent friends we’ll be hoisting a Memorial Museum of Modern Conveniences at the campout. A hammer and high quality 8p nails will be provided, and we’re encouraging everyone to bring something to display. After the toast on Saturday we’ll heave the whole thing on the fire.

Thursday, April 30
Claiming the Spot
Some of us show up on Thursday to make sure we get our regular spot aton the second camping level next to the springs. Come up early and sit under the trees with us.  The campground is quieter on Thursdays, too – at least until we get there.

Friday May 1 – May Day
Sausage Wrap Dinner
Texas Hot Guts 6:00
We’ll be cooking up Texas Sausages and tire flaps for everyone who comes out. Bring a side dish if you want – but there’s always plenty of food. Hang out and have some Hot Guts, drink a beer and be somebody.

Saturday May 2
Opie’s BBQ Lunch
Mid-afternoon a bunch of us decamp to Opie’s BBQ (just down the road by the Exxon on 71) – for BBQ and beans. Pretty decent BBQ, excellent beans. They don’t sell beer -but it’s BYOB – so you can tote up a couple of cold ones if you want.

Toast to Absent Friends – Memorial Museum of Modern Conveniences Conflagration
We hope you make it out to visit with us in person – but if you can’t make it – raise your glass wherever you are and remember absent friends. When it’s well dark we’ll toss the Memorial Museum of Modern Conveniences on the fire.


Krause Springs is off Highway 71 between Austin and Highway 281. Take Texas Highway 71 west from Austin, cross the Pedernales River, drive 7 miles, turn right on Spur 191 at the Exxon Station, right on County Road 404 and you will see the gates for the Krause Springs entrance to your left.

Note that there are no Pets allowed, and they don’t take credit cards – so bring your cash. They also do not allow glass containers – but we’ll have cups to decant your beverages, and if you don’t take bottles down around the pool you’ll have no worries. You should plan to bring water, though, the water in the taps is non-potable.

Drive in and stop at the house to pay, We’ll be down on the second level of the tent camping area. Drive past the house, and the bathrooms, and the pavilion, follow the road through the Cypress trees – and take the first left. You’ll see us there on your left as you drive in. If you haven’t been to Krauses in a few years you’ll be surprised by the new bathrooms – with sit down toilets and showers.

Krauses Info:

  • 404 Krause Spring Rd, Spicewood, TX 78669
  • 830 693 4181
  • http://www.krausesprings.net/index.html
  • Admission Prices:
  • Day Guests
  • $7 per Adult (12 years and older)
  • $4 per Child (4 – 11 years)
  • FREE for Children under 4
  • Camping Per Day
  • $14 per Adult
  • $6 per Child
  • $12 per RV camp site


2014 Campout Scrapbook

Well, you could not beat the weather for the 2014 Campout – highs in the seventies and eighties – and lows in the fifties and sixties.

Our Usual Spot

Our Usual Spot

We got our usual camping spot

Darrell and Steve

Darrell and Steve

And started some serious sitting around.







Shane and Mike

Shane and Mike

And it’s always good to know after a few beers that the Krause NBA urinal is available for those thing enough, and tall enough to utilize it


Hard to tell in this pic – but this urinal is approximately eight and a half feet off the floor.

Cypress Tree

Cypress Tree

They’ve blocked up the hollow Cypress tree to avoid people falling inside when they are drunk – not that anyone has ever done that.



Krauses Springs is a National Register Archaeological site – pop tops are going to qualify as historic artifacts in the next few years – as are most of us.


We had sausages from Zabbicksville and Bolners.

HN_14_08After which there was more – you know – sitting around.


Photo by Dan and his magic camera

The nice thing about having cool evenings is being able to really enjoy the fire.

Photo by Dan and his Magic Camer

Photo by Dan and his Magic Camera


Photo by Dan and his magic camera

Photo by Dan and his magic camera

Photo by Dan and his magic camera

HN_14_15And during the day were did a lot of looking up through the cypress.

HN_14_18Steve Scales has the racoons crawl in his car and play with the stereo – but in the camp we woke up to find it clean as a whistle – I guess the racoons know not to mess with buzzards.

HN_14_16It was a great campout – hope to see y’all here next year.


2014 Toast To Coleman

Come join us at Krauses Springs for our 2014 Toast to Coleman – May 3, 2014.

Hodwy_1_34The Toast is on Saturday evening at 6:00 – but like anything good, it takes preparation – so we start on:

Thursday, May 1
Claiming the Spot
Some of us show up on Thursday to make sure we get our regular spot aton the second camping level next to the springs. Come up early and sit under the trees with us.  The campground is quieter on Thursdays, too – at least until we get there.

Friday May 2
Sausage Wrap Dinner
Texas Hot Guts 6:00
We’ll be cooking up Texas Sausages and tire flaps for everyone who comes out. Bring a side dish if you want – but there’s always plenty of food. Hang out and have some Hot Guts, drink a beer and be somebody.

Saturday May 3
Opie’s BBQ Lunch
Mid-afternoon a bunch of us decamp to Opie’s BBQ (just down the road by the Exxon on 71) – for BBQ and beans. Pretty decent BBQ, excellent beans. They don’t sell beer -but it’s BYOB – so you can tote up a couple of cold ones if you want.

Toast to Coleman 6:00 Saturday
We hope you make it out to visit with us in person – but if you can’t make it – raise your glass wherever you are and remember Coleman.


Krause Springs is off Highway 71 between Austin and Highway 281. Take Texas Highway 71 west from Austin, cross the Pedernales River, drive 7 miles, turn right on Spur 191 at the Exxon Station, right on County Road 404 and you will see the gates for the Krause Springs entrance to your left.

Note that there are no Pets allowed, and they don’t take credit cards – so bring your cash. They also do not allow glass containers – but we’ll have cups to decant your beverages, and if you don’t take bottles down around the pool you’ll have no worries. You should plan to bring water, though, the water in the taps is non-potable.

Drive in and stop at the house to pay, We’ll be down on the second level of the tent camping area. Drive past the house, and the bathrooms, and the pavilion, follow the road through the Cypress trees – and take the first left. You’ll see us there on your left as you drive in. If you haven’t been to Krauses in a few years you’ll be surprised by the new bathrooms – with sit down toilets and showers.

Krauses Info:

  • 404 Krause Spring Rd, Spicewood, TX 78669
  • 830 693 4181
  • http://www.krausesprings.net/index.html
  • Admission Prices:
  • Day Guests
  • $7 per Adult (12 years and older)
  • $4 per Child (4 – 11 years)
  • FREE for Children under 4
  • Camping Per Day
  • $14 per Adult
  • $6 per Child
  • $12 per RV camp site

2013 Campout Scrapbook

cap19It was the coolest campout so far -with record lows in the high 30’s on Thursday and Friday night – but it was great camping weather. Saturday had highs in the 70’s – clear and sunny and the wind laid down – so it was as perfect as you could ask.


The Indian Blanket and Black Eyed Susans are out late this year.


At least with it being cool we could sit by the fire – instead of eighty feet away like we do when it’s 90 degrees out.


Watching the fire in case it does something interesting takes up a lot of time.


Dan and Darrell


Friday night was Elgin Hot Guts and tire flaps


And we didn’t forget our vegetables


Steve enjoying late spring in Central texas


And it’s not a campout without Mr Scales


Andy and Rubyann provided breakfast for the Racoons


Here’s the breakfast for campers

. . . and breakfast for buzzards

. . . and breakfast for buzzards

Is that a buzzard?

Is that a buzzard?

Nope - THESE are buzzards

Nope – THESE are buzzards

Don't often see the pool at Krauses empty in May

Don’t often see the pool at Krauses empty in May

But the springs were running well

But the springs were running well

And it was nice and green - probably won't be come August

And it was nice and green – probably won’t be come August

Steve and Art

Steve and Art

Glen with a stogy

Glen with a stogy


Mr. Witzel

There was BBQ at Opie's

There was BBQ at Opie’s

Sitting around doing what we do

Sitting around doing what we do



Roy and Judy came by

Roy and Judy came by

And Deedee and her husband Ed

And Deedee and her husband Ed

And they picked a little - which was great

And they picked a little – which was great

Mike liked it

Mike liked it

But mostly we just sat around and talked about buzzard stuff

But mostly we just sat around and talked about buzzard stuff


Great campout – next year y’all come

2014 Campout – May 1- May 4

Y’all plan to come out and sit around.






Toast to Coleman May 5, 2013

Come join us at Krauses Springs for our 2013 Toast to Coleman. Jimbo said it better than I ever could –

Coleman and Jimbo

Coleman and Jimbo

What I wouldn’t give to sit down in the shade with Coleman just one more time. He taught me the names of damn near every tree and flower native to that part of Texas, How to hold a Carlton 100 so’s to block the little holes that mix air with smoke, how to get along with the buttholes in this world, and how to love the people that the rest of the world stopped loving a long time ago. He also taught me I that I had a hell of a lot more going for me than I thought I did, and that was his greatest gift of all.


So come sit down in the shade with all of us friends and buttholes – old and new.

The Toast is on Saturday evening at 6:00 – but like anything good, it takes preparation – so we start on:

A Quorum

A Quorum

Thursday, May 2
Claiming the Spot
Some of us show up on Thursday to make sure we get our regular spot at Krauses (on the second camping level next to the springs). Come up early and sit under the trees with us.  The campground is quieter on Thursdays, too – at least until we get there.


Rob cooks up Hot Guts

Rob cooks up Hot Guts


Friday May 3
Sausage Wrap Dinner
Texas Hot Guts 6:00
We’ll be cooking up Texas Sausages and tire flaps for everyone who comes out. Bring a side disk if you want – there will be plenty of food. Hang out and have some Hot Guts, drink a beer and be somebody.

Saturday May 4
Opie’s BBQ Lunch
Mid-afternoon a bunch of us decamp to Opie’s BBQ (just down the road by the Exxon on 71) – for BBQ and beans. Pretty decent BBQ, excellent beans. They don’t sell beer -but it’s BYOB – so you can tote up a couple of cold ones if you want.

Michael wails

Michael wails


Toast to Coleman 6:00 Saturday
We hope you make it out to visit with us in person – but if you can’t make it – raise your glass wherever you are and remember Coleman.




Krause Springs is off Highway 71 between Austin and Highway 281. Take Texas Highway 71 west from Austin, cross the Pedernales River, drive 7 miles, turn right on Spur 191 at the Exxon Station, right on County Road 404 and you will see the gates for the Krause Springs entrance to your left.

Note that there are no Pets allowed, and they don’t take credit cards – so bring your cash. They also do not allow glass containers – but we’ll have cups to decant your beverages, and if you don’t take bottles down around the pool you’ll have no worries. You should plan to bring water, though, the water in the taps is non-potable.

Drive in and stop at the house to pay, We’ll be down on the second level of the tent camping area. Drive past the house, and the bathrooms, and the pavilion, follow the road through the Cypress trees – and take the first left. You’ll see us there on your left as you drive in. If you haven’t been to Krauses in a few years you’ll be surprised by the new bathrooms – with sit down toilets and showers.

Krauses Info:

  • 404 Krause Spring Rd, Spicewood, TX 78669
  • 830 693 4181
  • http://www.krausesprings.net/index.html
  • Admission Prices:
  • Day Guests
  • $6 per Adult (12 years and older)
  • $4 per Child (4 – 11 years)
  • FREE for Children under 4
  • Camping Per Day
  • $12 per Adult
  • $6 per Child
  • $12 per RV camp site

Campout Pictures

Here’s a few pictures from recent campouts —

Scrapbook- Old Friends

Here’s a few pictures from the old days. Click on them to blow them up.